
Sensing vs Intuition: What Does Being Intuitive Mean

by | May 3, 2024 | Animal Communication

Instinct vs intuition. Gut vs psychic. How does intuition work? What does intuitive mean? Are there differences between sensing and intuition?

Check out the three exercises below to learn more about your own intuition!

All of us start open

It doesn’t matter who your parents were, where you came from, or when you were born; we are all born intuitive.

By the time we are five years old, we have shut down our intuitive abilities because society discredits intuition.

You can’t completely shut down your intuition, because it’s sneaky. It’ll show up in your life without you knowing!

It used to be that I was the one giving advice to all my friends. They wanted to tell me their secrets and get my advice. At the time, I thought I was a really good friend. Now, I know it was my intuition.

Whenever you meet a new person, before shaking their hand, you feel weird – that’s intuition at work. Intuition is always at play – once you recognize it.

Sensing vs. Intuition / Instinct vs. Intuition

It is common for intuition to be disguised as intelligence, gut-instinct, sensing, or even coincidence. Society accepts gut-instincts over intuitive hits. We are taught that much of our experience in the world is simply a coincidence. Intuition is clearly working, but we are taught to ignore it:

  • You’re quick-witted, so you think you came up with that answer so fast.

  • You believe you’re more likely to succeed if you use your past experience.

  • The fact that you “knew” that person was going to call is just a coincidence.

It is likely that every experience above was influenced by your intuition, although most people are unaware of this fact!

Intuition: What is it?

It is very easy to develop intuition. You can hear thoughts and sounds, see pictures and movies, feel emotions and body sensations, and just know things. There are many books on this subject.



Intuition: Where does it come from?

WHERE does intuitive information come from? Here are four sources of intuitive information:

Animals. Born intuitive, animals value and hone their intuition. Animals would not survive without their intuition! They provide a positive and helpful source of intuitive information. In order to be able to pick up on the intuitive data animals are sending them, Animal Communicators have honed their intuition.

Spiritual guides. Many people rediscover their intuition simply because they feel a deep connection with their spiritual guides (God/Spirit – whatever name you use).

Energy fields. In our energy fields, we all have intuitive data. Every single thing on earth has an energy field. If you are thinking about a particular book, for example, that book will sit in your energy field. Energy fields are another source of intuitive data.

Deceased loved ones. Our loved ones who have passed on can send intuitive information from the Other Side. There is no limit to the amount of information that our loved ones can send over. Often, they just want us to know they are thinking of us.

While developing intuition, most people will spend their time connecting with one or two sources. When you’re developing intuition, you may find yourself experimenting!

Finding Your Intuition Through Exercises

After learning that everyone has intuitive abilities, you may be wondering how it works for you. Here are three simple exercises you can do to determine your psychic abilities:


Consider your relationships. What do people ask you for? Do they seek your advice? Are you quick-witted or funny? Do you intervene on their behalf?

You can’t always see your intuition at work, but your friends are taking advantage of it. Stay aware of what most people really want from you.


Take notice of your language. Do you say, “It looks like…”, “I feel like…”, “I think…”? Simple phrases like these tell you a lot about how you perceive the world. My intuitive data is largely gathered through my feelings and emotions, which is why I constantly say, “I feel like…” and “It feels like…”.


As a last step, notice how you feel when you are exposed to color. Think about being in a lime green room. What would happen? Or try a color you love. How would you react? Would you feel repelled? Do you want to close your eyes? Would you like to soak it all in? Feeling repelled is an expression of your intuition. You’re probably a feeler like me if you feel repelled.

Want to learn more? Read my series of articles on animal communication: start with the first of three.

Don’t hesitate to contact me:

Email : contact@enlightenedanimal.com

Website : https://www.enlightenedanimal.com


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